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Le Livre de Hain, Intégrale, Tome 2,第2卷,厄休拉·勒古恩作品,法语原版
Le Livre de Hain, Intégrale, Tome 1,第1卷,厄休拉·勒古恩作品,法语原版
L'art et la table,艺术与餐桌,法语原版
Mesopotamian Civilization: The Material Foundations,美索不达米亚文明:物质基础,英文原版
Reading Sumerian Poetry,苏美尔诗歌,英文原版
The Unofficial Guide to Obstetrics and Gynaecology,妇产科学,第2版,英文原版
Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-PN® Examination,第9版,英文原版
Modeling Neural Circuits Made Simple with Python,用Python轻松建模神经回路,英文原版
The Letters of the Younger Pliny,小普林尼的信,英文原版
The Wide Wide Sea,湛蓝之海,英文原版
Topology and Geometry for Physicists,物理学家的拓扑和几何,英文原版
The Geometry of Rene Descartes,几何学,笛卡尔作品,英文原版
Linear B, Transcribing the Linear B and Linear A Signs/Linear B, Glossary/Linear B, A New Outlook (set of three books),三卷一套
A Companion to Linear B: Mycenaean Greek Texts and Their World. Volume 3,第3卷
A Companion to Linear B: Mycenean Greek Texts and Their World. Volume 2,第2卷
A Companion to Linear B: Mycenaean Greek Texts and Their World,Volume 1,第1卷
A Historical Greek Reader: Mycenaean to the Koiné,英文原版
The Knossos Tablets,第4版,英文原版
The Bacchic Gold Tablets and Poetic Tradition: Memory and Performance,英文原版
Documents in Mycenaean Greek,迈锡尼希腊语,第2版
The Interpretation of Mycenaean Greek Texts,迈锡尼希腊语
The New Documents in Mycenaean Greek: Volume 2,迈锡尼希腊语,第2卷
The New Documents in Mycenaean Greek: Volume 1,迈锡尼希腊语,第1卷
The Colloquia of the Hermeneumata Pseudodositheana Volume 1 (Cambridge Classical Texts and Commentaries),第1卷
Early Latin: Constructs, Diversity, Reception,早期的拉丁语,英文原版
The Undeciphered Signs of Linear B: Interpretation and Scribal Practices,英文原版
The Resurrection of Homer in Imperial Greek Epic: Quintus Smyrnaeus' Posthomerica and the Poetics of Impersonation,英文原版
Takeoff: The Alpha to Zulu of Aviation Photography,起飞:航空摄影,英文原版
London's Record Shops,伦敦唱片店,英文原版
Hi-Fi: The History of High-End Audio Design,英文原版
Revolution: The History of Turntable Design,黑胶唱机设计史,英文原版
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Tokyo Jazz Joints,东京爵士场所,英文原版
AI: Unexplainable, Unpredictable, Uncontrollable,人工智能,罗曼·亚姆博尔斯基作品,英文原版
The Little Typer,小打字员,英文原版
The Wild Iris,野鸢尾,诺贝尔文学奖得主、露易丝·格丽克作品,英文原版
The Wild Iris,野鸢尾,诺贝尔文学奖得主、露易丝·格丽克作品,英文原版
Mathematics of Big Data – Spreadsheets, Databases, Matrices, and Graphs,大数据数学,英文原版
C++ Concurrency in Action,第2版,英文原版
Computer-Controlled Systems: Theory and Design,计算机控制系统:理论与设计,第3版,英文原版
Programming Models for Parallel Computing,并行计算的编程模型,英文原版
Type Theory and Formal Proof: An Introduction,类型理论与形式证明,英文原版
Logic for Computer Science: Foundations of Automatic Theorem Proving,计算科学的逻辑:自动定理证明的基础,第2版,英文原版
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A Concise History of Mathematics,数学简史,第4版,英文原版
Analysis, Manifolds and Physics: Part 2,分析、流形和物理学,第2卷,法国女物理学家、塞西尔·莫雷特作品,英文原版
Analysis, Manifolds and Physics: Volume I,分析流形和物理学,第1卷,法国女物理学家、塞西尔·莫雷特作品,英文原版
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Classical Electrodynamics,经典电动力学,第2版,诺贝尔物理学奖得主、朱利安·施温格作品,英文原版
Elementary Differential Geometry,微分几何基础,第2版,英文原版
Chess Calculation Training Volume 2: Endgames,国际象棋计算训练,第2卷:残局,英文原版
Chess Calculation Training Volume I: Middlegame,国际象棋计算训练,第1卷:中局,英文原版
On Angular Momentum,角动量,诺贝尔物理学奖得主、朱利安·施温格作品,英文原版
Differential Geometry,微分几何,英文原版
Rough Volatility,粗糙波动率,英文原版
Industrial Mathematics: A Course in Solving Real-World Problems,工业数学,英文原版
Continued Fractions,连分数,英文原版
Foundations of Modern Analysis,现代分析基础,英文原版
Field Guide to Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises,鲸鱼,海豚和鼠海豚,英文原版

开播时间:09月02日 10:30
